My unofficial bio indicates that one of the goals of my blog is to “help others learn from my mistakes which means I have a near-infinite amount of material to use for inspiration”. This is very true of course, but there is one problem: I don’t love blogging. I find the process a bit tedious…
About That Competitor That is Driving You Nuts
How have you trained your sales team to talk about your competitor with a potential customer? I see companies take different approaches from refusing to acknowledge the competitor exists to taking every opportunity to throw them under the bus. I think there is a better approach. When it comes to talking about competitors, there is…
The First Rule of VC Engagement a.k.a. “Don’t Be Lazy”
After eight weeks of being heads down working with our portfolio companies, I’ve started to come up for air and do some public facing stuff. I was recently on a cool panel at Denver Startup Week where we talked about scaling towards profitability. Another highlight was doing an AMA with David Brown, co-CEO of Techstars,…
Two Steps Forward, One Step Back
When I took my first business trip as a Gnip team member more than 6 years ago, I accidentally brought home my hotel key in my back pocket. My kids were very young at the time & they thought the credit card sized piece of plastic was amazing. They were actually arguing over who got…
Moody On Management
My good friend Brad Feld is hosting a series of guest posts from yours truly on his world-famous blog: The series is entitled Moody on Management. Here are a few of my favorite posts: Trust Can Scale The Work Begins When The Milestone Ends Guidelines For Interviewing At A Startup Getting The Compensation Conversation…
Boulder & Me

Boulder has a thriving tech community that has been well documented in the last 12 months alone via The New York Times, MSNBC, CNBC, and lots of other sources. I consider myself to be a reasonably active member of the community through visible roles as a TechStars mentor and as the organizer of the monthly…
Startup Culture: Values vs. Vibe
I hear some form of the following question a lot from founders that are starting to have early success: “How do we hire a bunch of new people and grow the company quickly without losing the culture we’ve worked so hard to establish?” I’ve been fascinated by different company cultures for as long as I…
News To Startup CEOs: You Can’t Outsource Marketing
Here’s a common scenario I see with some early stage tech startups… Incredibly smart/tech-savvy people start a company around a cool idea. These founders build amazing tools/products that demonstrate their concept and their abilities. At this point they might decide they need to get funding. And, what will they use the money for? Often times,…